The Telangana police have registered criminal cases against eleven socila media influencers and celebrities for promoting betting apps online. One of them is in politics. Anchor Shyamala, who has been associated with the YSRCP, faces a complaint.
Here are the deetails: Imran Khan (Jetx - Pari Match), Vishnu Priya (777 -, Harsha Sai (Pari Match App), Shyamala (Andhra 365 App), Tasty Teja, Rithu Chowdhary, Bandaru Sheshayani Supritha, Kiran Goud, Ajay (www.winbuzz), Sunny (Target Games), and Sudheer (Cricket Win Analyst - Telegram) have been accusd of adveritising for gambling apps. The Telangana poice, in their mission to discourage betting apps, are targeting celebrities.
Lately, some social media influencers, fearing backlash from the police, have on their own apologized for promoting betting apps. It has to be seen if their apologies will be used for leniency. It is likely that the courts will let them off by asking them to making anti-betting and anti-gambling ads.