Speaking to the media, Dil Raju has indirectly said that the failure of Game Changer was preordained by its unexciting teaser and trailer. He implied that star power doesn't guarantee anything lately. Gone are the days when superstar movies used to do magic. One can also add movies like Bholaa Shankar, Mr. Bachchan and Acharya to the list.
"If the teaser and trailer don't excite the audience, the result shows in the form of dull advance bookings. If pre-sales don't pick the pace, distributors come forth to renegotiate terms with the producer. It's more than clear how the consumer has started tending towards content. His choice depends on the quality of your pre-release promotional material," Dil Raju said. Recently, his Game Changer became a disaster at the box office.
Dil Raju's analysis is no rocket science but there are a lot of producers who need to be told the obvious. They think huge investments in superstar movies automatically translate into mega openings. Dil Raju's banner is slowly going back to its 'content is king' philosophy after the disastrous run of Ram Charan's movie.