In 2009, Magadheera was released amid the talk that its budget had skyrocketed to the extreme. If Allu Aravind's initial budget was Rs X, the budget shot up by 80% by the time the movie was made. At that time, Geetha Arts' position was shaky before the release of the movie.
After watching the final output, Allu Aravind was so confident that he told SS Rajamouli that he would be releasing the movie in theatres by himself. "Such was my confidence even though I had staked my everything. I made three times the investment," Aravind once said in an interview.
Game Changer had a similar trajectory this year but the result was diametrically opposite. The film's budget shot up by nearly 80%. Unlike Magadheera, Game Changer lost its money. Producers Dil Raju and Shirish and their distributors got saved by their other Sankranthi release, Sankranthiki Vasthunam.
Both Magadheera and Game Changer are headlined by Ram Charan. They are separated by 16 years and two contrasting fates. Rajamouli and Shankar, two of the most eminent filmmakers from southern Indian, have directed the movies.