Pink Ribbon Walk
The slogan DOES YOUR HEART BEAT FOR EARLY DETECTION OF BREAST CANCER?' did strike a chord with 'Hyderabadis' who extended unprecedented support to the SIXTH edition of the 2K Pink Ribbon Walk organized by Ushalakshmi Breast Cancer Foundation (UBF) & KIMS-USHALAKSHMI Centre for Breast Diseases in association with The Association of Breast Surgeons of India on Sunday 12 October at KBR Park, Hyderabad. Some 3000 people from all walks of life, Breast cancer 'conquerors' & their families participated and expressed solidarity with the Pink Ribbon Campaign this year.
Mrs K. Kavitha, MP was the chief Guest and Mr Rana Daggubati was the Special Guest of honour. Mrs Ananada Shankar Jayant along with other young breast cancer conquerors actively participated in the event. Mr Bollineni Krishnaiah, Chairman. KIMS, Mr Anurag Sharma, DGP, Mr AK Khan, Director General ACB, Mr Jayesh Ranjan, Mr Ramesh Prasad, Mr Parthasarathy of Karvy in addition to a host of other celebrities and who's who of Hyderabad participated in the Pink Ribbon Walk.
Initiated by UBF in 2009. the aims of Pink Ribbon Walk are to create awareness about importance of early detection of breast cancer, salute survivors and their families in their fight against breast cancer.
In India, well over 130, 000 women are newly diagnosed with breast cancer every year; a staggering number that has overtaken cervical cancer to become the leading cause for death among women in metropolitan cities. Majority of breast cancers in India present in the younger age group between 25- 50 years. More than 60% of breast cancers in India present in the advanced stage and hence death rate from breast cancer is also very high. Lack of awareness & absence of an organized National Breast cancer screening program are the main reasons accounting for late presentation
Established in 2007, UBF has completed SEVEN positively eventful years serving the Community in Andhra Pradesh. Over the years, under the auspices of UBF. a number of unique & innovative initiatives have been undertaken to create awareness about the importance of early detection of breast cancer, some of which have attracted National & International attention.
Equally, through the pioneering initiatives of the Foundation. Breast cancer is no longer a 'closet issue' in Hyderabad β it is a much commonly discussed topic. thus bringing about the much needed awareness, the lack of which is one of the main reasons behind vast majority of breast cancers presenting in the advanced stages, where very little can be done to save lives.
In a effort to find 'Indian solution to Indian problems' & detect breast cancer in the early stages, UBF in partnership with Telangana Mahila Samatha Society & AP Mahila Samatha Society is implementing an innovative large scale population based breast cancer Screening Programme in EIGHT districts of Telangana and SEVEN districts of AP and expects to screen some 2, 00, 000 underprivileged women for early signs of breast cancer before end of 2015 β A FIRST OF ITS KIND INITIATIVE IN INDIA. Thus far, 28, 437 underprivileged women from Hyderabad District have been screened for signs of early breast cancer by way of Clinical Breast Examination (CBE) β a screening tool, to detect early breast cancer. Breast Cancers detected through this initiative underwent FREE treatment under the Rajiv Arogyasree Scheme. In the fullness of time, it is anticipated that this Screening Programme would be extended to all the Districts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh thus making these two States a role model for the entire Country.
In an endeavor to demonstrate the power of PINK, prominent buildings in the City like the Charminar, Buddha Statue, Prasads 'max, Ravindra Bharati & KIMS Hospitals were illuminated in PINK to spread the message of hope courage and survival in the fight against breast cancer.