Budugu is an intense and engaging family thriller written and directed by Manmohan. Based on real life incidents, the film depict some mysterious and shocking things that happen in the life of ...Continue reading
The title of the film itself is quirky! Lakshmi Manchu’s new film titled ‘ Lakshmi Bomb’ was launched at the Annapurna Studios. The title has a caption ‘From Sivakasi’. This film will be directed b...Continue reading
Makers of Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna starrer ‘Lakshmi Bomb’ are making preparations for a grand audio launch on October 5. The film has music given by Sunil Kashyap. Manchu Lakshmi Prasan...Continue reading
Swach Bharat mission initiated by our honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi has got tremendous response. Several celebrities in our country have joined the mission. According to the latest update,...Continue reading
This Diwali will be be filled with Dhamaka for Telugu film lovers. Lakshmi Manchu starrer Lakshmi Bomb is aiming to release on the festive occasion of Diwali. The shooting of the film is it the la...Continue reading
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