The other day, Kangana Ranaut's movie 'Dhaakad' earned just Rs 4,420 across India. Only 20 people watched the movie in the entire country and we are not kidding. It was Day 8 of the movie at the bo...Continue reading
Kangana Ranaut is one of the most popular heroines in India, who can carry the entire film on her shoulders. There is no denying that the actress can pull any kinds of characters with ease and perf...Continue reading
'Chandramukhi 2' has been in the making for a long time. The film is supposed to hit the cinemas on September 15. On Friday noon, Chennai-based media reports said that the horror thriller's theatr...Continue reading
'Emergency' (Hindi), starring Bollywood heroine Kangana Ranaut as former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, will be released in theatres on September 6. Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy is said t...Continue reading
Madhavan and Kangana Raunat are all set to sizzle on-screen once again. Yes, the duo will pair up for the sequel to the romantic comedy flick ‘Tanu Weds Manu’, which was remade and released in Tel...Continue reading
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