Jabardasth fame Rashmi Gautam in the title role, a different story film ‘Charuseela’ is being made under Jyothsna Films banner with Smt. Jayasri Apparao as producer and Srinivas Vuyyuru...Continue reading
Rashmi Gautham and Shantan starrer a Tamil film has been dubbed into Telugu as ‘Balapam Patti Bhama Odilo’. ‘A Aaa E Ee…’ is the tagline. Durgam Girish Babu is presenting the film. The film that st...Continue reading
Our film starring Rashmi Gautam, Charandeep titled “Antham”. I am Core fan of RGV and my debut film is titled “Antham” very happy for that, I promise that this film is a step ahead of old “Antham” ...Continue reading
A different concept film ‘Charuseela’ is being made under Jyothsna Films banner with Jabardasth fame Rashmi Gautam in the title role. Smt. Jayasri Apparao is producing the film which is being made ...Continue reading
SE7EN OCEANS CINEMAS LLC, USA bags the overseas screening rights of the most anticipated Thriller Movie "GUNTUR TALKIES". Guntur Talkies movie is a romantic crime comedy film directed by Praveen Sa...Continue reading
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