The Andhra Pradesh government has announced the prestigious Nandi Awards for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016. Actress turned TV host Manchu Lakshmi has won Best Supporting Actress Award for the film ...Continue reading
Gundello Godari’ is expected to hit theaters on November 30th. Yes, as per the sources efforts are being made to bring thisTelugu/Tamil bilingual film to theaters worldwide on November 30th. Prod...Continue reading
Audio launch events are usually pretty regular and to the most part mundane. Most of the events focus on some dance performances and end by releasing the audio CD. This format has been happenin...Continue reading
Yes, we all know that Laxmi Manchu, Vishnu Manchu and Manoj Manchu Are the three younger Manchu’s in the industry. Now, there is a new Manchu who is making his debut with the film "Chandamama Katha...Continue reading
The shooting of Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna’s new film ‘Lakshmi Bomb’ is progressing at a fast pace in Hyderabad. 'From Sivakasi' is the tagline. Vella Mounika Chandrasekhar and Uma Lakshmi Narasimha a...Continue reading
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