'Beast', starring Thalapathy Vijay and Pooja Hegde in the lead, will hit the cinemas on April 13. 'KGF 2' has been confirmed to hit the cinemas on the 14th. Therefore, Sun Pictures has advanced the...Continue reading
The makers of Jr NTR’s Aravindha Sametha started promoting the film aggressively. After unveiling the ‘Anaganaganaga’ song a few days ago, the makers are now set to unveil second ...Continue reading
Vijay is highly renowned for his dances among the Tamil audience. But, among the Telugu audience, he is not that known for his dances. It is because we have got far better dancers in Tollywood: Chi...Continue reading
Here is the first look of Jiiva's superhero film 'Mask' which is 'Mugamoodi' in Tamil. The title 'Mask' has been announced today by producer N V Prasad and Paras Jain. The audio launch of Tel...Continue reading
'Radhe Shyam' is on a roll by collecting Rs 151 Cr (gross) in three days, the makers of the Prabhas-Pooja Hegde film today said. This is the first such Indian hit among the films belonging to the r...Continue reading
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