Daaku Maharaaj was released in theatres on Sunday. On Day 1, as per its makers, the film grossed Rs 56 Cr. On Day 2, it minted another Rs 18 Cr, bringing the total to Rs 74 Cr. "The ultimate SANKR...Continue reading
After seeing the tremendous response from the Telugu audience for Balakrishna-Nayantara starrer ‘Sri Ramarajyam’, producer Yalamanchili Saibabu has now decided to dub the film in Hindi, Malayalam a...Continue reading
Good news for the Nandamuri fans! The censor for Nandamuri Balakrishna’s latest movie, Dictator has been completed and the board has given a U/A rating. The board has been extremely pleased with th...Continue reading
As is known, Nandamuri Balakrishna's 108th movie, which is yet to be titled, stars Sree Leela as the hero's daughter. The actress, who is the most sought-after A-lister these days, joined the sets ...Continue reading
Here is a good news for Nandamuri fans. The teaser of Balakrishna's 'Ruler' will be out tomorrow (21st November) at 4.28 PM The stylish posters of Balayya have already created a buzz around the fi...Continue reading
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