Powerstar Pawan Kalyan just launched a film under the direction of Tamil director Neason a couple of days ago. This was a cause of worry for his fans as they thought that Powerstar and Trivikram’s ...Continue reading
The first song from Hari Hara Veera Mallu: Part 1 is titled Maata Vinali. Maata Vinali has Pawan Kalyan bringing dignity to the table with his assertive, non-domineering voice. Since the message em...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan starrer Katamarayudu is progressing briskly. The makers initially planned to release the film during Ugadi, but the way things are progressing it looks like the film will come a week e...Continue reading
The film starring Pawan Kalyan, Sara Jain and Anjali Lavania, being directed by Vishnuvardhan is progressing smoothly without any buzz. The first schedule of the film has been wrapped up smoothly ...Continue reading
The other day, Sai Pallavi was called 'Lady Powerstar' by the team of 'Virata Parvam'. But the tag is funny for a major reason. And it is not because her latest box-office release is on its way to ...Continue reading
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