‘Karthi 17’ is a mega budget film starring Karthi. The film is presented by Reliance Entertainment and produced by Prince Pictures, S. Lakshman Kumar. Following the critically acclaimed...Continue reading
Karthi-Anushka starrer ‘Bad Boy’ is set to open to theaters on January 25th. The film was earlier planned for Sankranti release. However due to big releases like ‘Naayak’, ‘Vishwaroopam’ and SVSC,...Continue reading
After the successful films like ‘Yuganiki Okkadu’, ‘Awara’ and ‘Naa Peru Siva’, Karthi is now coming up with the film ‘Malligadu’ which is ready for release on March 2nd. While K E Gnanavel is goi...Continue reading
Karthi and Kajal became a hit pair through the movie ‘Naa Peru Siva’. Their combination became even more popular after they appeared in Bru coffee commercial ad. Now the pair is going to seen in ...Continue reading
'Manam' will turn ten this May. The last film of the legendary ANR is going to have special shows on the night of May 23. As of now, three shows (one each in Hyderabad, Vizag and Vijayawada) have b...Continue reading
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