'AAY', starring Narne Nithiin and Nayan Sarika in lead roles, is slated to be released in theatres with grand premieres on the evening of August 15. Producer Bunny Vasu today unveiled its Trailer. ...Continue reading
'AAY', which hit the cinemas the other day, is on its way to becoming a hit. On Saturday, producers Bunny Vasu and Vidya Koppineedi hosted its success meet in Hyderabad. Speaking on the occasion, ...Continue reading
Akhil Akkineni has three films which have been released so far. None of them were successful. Despite this his third film has been finalized. Bunny Vaas who has made hit films like Bhale Bhale Mag...Continue reading
As reported earlier, Rishab Shetty was in Andhra Pradesh to participate in the success tour of 'Kantara' in Tirupathi and Vizag. On Saturday, after watching his movie in two theatres with the audie...Continue reading
Forget the box office, two Telugu films are settling the score on the cricket pitch! We are talking about 'AAY' and 'Committee Kurrollu' deciding to get sportive on the cricket pitch. In a hilariou...Continue reading
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