The shooting of Mahesh Babu's film is progressing well. The Dehradun schedule of the film has been wrapped. The makers of the film say that it was a 24 days schedule in the hill station and it has ...Continue reading
The FIR - First Impact Reveal - of Allari Naresh's next, 'Naandhi', directed by Vijay Kanakamedala, a first timer who worked under Harish Shankar, will be released on the occasion of Allari Naresh'...Continue reading
P Samudrakarani, who directed a super hit film like ‘Shambo Siva Shambo’ in Tamil, is now directing a Tamil film titled ‘Porali’ featuring Allari Naresh and Sashi Kumar as males lead and Swathi, Va...Continue reading
Allari Naresh-starrer 'Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekam' is heading to theatres on November 25. The film's pre-release event was held in Hyderabad on Sunday. Speaking on the occasion, the 'Naandhi' ac...Continue reading
'Aa Okkati Adakku', starring Allari Naresh (he decided to put two other projects on the backburner to prioritize this comedy) in the lead, is scheduled to hit the cinemas on May 3. Starring Faria A...Continue reading
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