Venkatesh, Srikanth’s action thriller ‘Shadow’ is gradually taking shape under the direction of Mehar Ramesh. Parachuri Kireeti is producing this movie in which Taapsee is the leading lady opposit...Continue reading
'Granthalayam' is an action thriller starring Vinnu Maddipati, Kalakeya Prabhakar, Kashi Vishwanath, Dr. Bhadram, Sonia Chowdhary and others. Directed by Saisivan Jampana, the film's third single w...Continue reading
Victory Venkatesh, who earned a family hero image, is experimenting with a never seen before character in his film career. Yes, as mentioned earlier he is playing a mafia don in ‘Shadow’ which is ...Continue reading
On Monday, news channels claimed that a few Telugu film celebs were detained after a raid on a rave party in Bengaluru. Srikanth Meka and Hema have been named in the reports. It has also been specu...Continue reading
AVS Movies’ ‘Kshatriya’ starring Srikanth and Kum Kum which was directed by K Uday Chandu has been scheduled for January 1, 2014 release. The film completed its post production works as well as i...Continue reading
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