"True Love triumphs over all odds," wrote VK Naresh, unveiling the teaser for 'Malli Pelli'. The film, directed by MS Raju, is a dramatized interpretation of the events from the lives of Naresh, hi...Continue reading
In its Golden Jubilee Year, Dr. D. Rama Naidu presents “DRUSHYAM”, A Suresh Productions, Raaj Kumar Theaters Pvt. Ltd. and Wide Angle Creations joint venture, with Victory Venkatesh and Meena in th...Continue reading
VK Naresh, who debuted in Telugu with 'Prema Sankellu', went on to act as a male lead in more than 100 films. As a character artist, he has done more than 150 movies. Marking his birthday (January ...Continue reading
VK Naresh has spoken against Naga Babu's criticism that the MAA has lost its grace in recent years. At a presser today, Naresh described himself as a man of action. He said that his tenure has seen...Continue reading
Ramya Raghupathi, who was married to senior actor VK Naresh, has been accused by five women of defrauding them of Rs 40 lakh in the name of a group income scheme. Naresh today made it clear that he...Continue reading
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