'Cobra' hit the cinemas on Wednesday, marking Vinayaka Chavithi. The film, an action thriller, grossed more than Rs 15 Cr in Tamil and Telugu put together on the first day. The film's original run...Continue reading
'Dhruva Natchathiram', starring Vikram as a spy, has been waiting to be released in the theatres for the past five years or so. The much-delayed actioner, directed by Gautam Menon, has finally lock...Continue reading
'Vikky The Rockstar', directed by CS Ganta, is touted to be a novel film boasting a distinctive concept. Flight Lieutenant Srinivas Nuthalapati, the producer, today said that the movie's motion pos...Continue reading
Vikram's 'Thangalaan' is rumoured to be considering an Independence Day release in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. If that happens, it might compete with 'Double iSmart' and a few other Telugu movies whic...Continue reading
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