'Gurthunda Seethakalam', starring Tamannaah Bhatia and Satyadev, will head to theatres on December 9. A presser was held on Sunday by the makers. Speaking on the occasion, producer Ramarao Chintap...Continue reading
'Ram Setu', starring Akshay Kumar in the role of an archaeologist who becomes a believer in the Ramayana's legacy, hit the cinemas the other day. The film has got Jayasri Rachakonda in the role of ...Continue reading
'Ravana Kalyanam' is the title of an upcoming pan-Indian actioner launched earlier today in the presence of VV Vinayak, Sathya Dev (who awaits the theatrical release of 'Gurthunda Seethakalam' and ...Continue reading
It was ten years ago that 'Mr. Perfect' released in theatres. Satyadev Kancharana played a friend to Prabhas in the film. Taking to Twitter, the happening 'Uma Maheshwara Ugra Roopasya' actor said ...Continue reading
On the occasion of actor Satya Dev's birthday, the makers of his upcoming movie 'Godse' released an interesting poster. The birthday poster features Satya Dev in an intense, yet engaging look. Wit...Continue reading
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