Anand Deverakonda awaits the release of 'Pushpaka Vimanam', co-produced by his father, later this year. Even as the movie is in the post-production phase, the 'Middle Class Melodies' actor has been...Continue reading
Anand Deverakonda doesn't agree with those who argue that Vijay Deverakonda is arrogant or hot-headed. His off-screen attitude is openly castigated by trolls. How does the 'Baby' actor see his bro...Continue reading
At a time when he awaits the theatrical release of 'Writer Padmabhushan' on February 3, actor Suhas is in the news over the launch of a new film titled 'Anandrao Adventures'. Its launch event today...Continue reading
'Baby', which is set to hit the cinemas on July 14, has been described by its makers as an emotional, unique love story. Starring Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya and Viraj Ashwin, the triang...Continue reading
Anand Deverakonda-Vaishanvi Chaitanya's 'Baby' is expected to head to theatres this Summer. After its first song 'O Rendu Prema Meghaalila' amassed more than 20 million views, the film is now in th...Continue reading
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