LVR Productions has launched a film in the combination of Srikanth and V Samudra on Vijayadasami Day. The movie was launched in a simple manner without much of publicity. Lagadapati Srinivas Rao ...Continue reading
'Bhagat Singh Nagar', starring Vidharth and Druvika as the lead pair, is being made simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil. Directed by Valaja Kranthi, a song titled 'Ee Vishwamanthamu Vyaapinchina' fr...Continue reading
Journalist Prabhu is turning director by making his debut with an action flick starring Srikanth and Meghana. The film has not yet been given the title. Rajarajeswari Srinivasa Reddy is produci...Continue reading
'Theeram', starring Sravan YGT, Anil Inamadugu, Kristen Ravali, Aparna Appu and others, had its teaser released today. Speaking on the occasion, actor Srikanth, who was a chief guest, said, "The t...Continue reading
Some time ago the title of Mahesh Babu-Sukumar’s movie was rumored to be ‘Acharya’. However, the makers rubbished the rumors on the title. Now the latest we hear is the same title has been given ...Continue reading
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