Comedy king Shankar, who is riding high as hero as well, is coming up with a film titled ‘Driver Ramudu’. Now, the interesting update is that British model and dancer Scarlett Mellish W...Continue reading
'Corporator' is an upcoming movie starring star comedian Shakalaka Shankar. Directed by Sanjay Poonoori, the film is being produced by A Padmanabha Reddy and Dr. SV Madhuri. The news is that the f...Continue reading
'Baahubali' Prabhakar, who essayed Kalakeya in the Rajamouli directorial, will headline an untitled project whose co-star is Shakala Shankar. Directed by Palik and produced by Ravula Ramesh, the pr...Continue reading
'Corporator' is an upcoming movie starring star comedian Shakalaka Shankar. Directed by Sanjay Poonoori, the film is being produced by A Padmanabha Reddy and Dr. SV Madhuri. The entire shoot of the...Continue reading
Ghosts have been of a multitude of types on the Telugu screen. They could be good, bad or ugly. In the upcoming horror-comedy 'Oo Manchi Ghost' aka 'OMG', it is the turn of the ghost to be good and...Continue reading
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