A satirical film titled 'Wrong Gopal Varma' is being made presumably on the controversial and self-styled director Ram Gopal Varma. Directed by veteran journalist Prabhu, the film's First Loo...Continue reading
'Wrong Gopal Varma', directed by senior journalist Prabhu, is up for a release on Shreyas ET. It will stream from December 4. Shakalaka Shankar has played the lead role. With music by Raprock Shak...Continue reading
'Dharmasthali' is the title of an upcoming movie starring Shakalaka Shankar in the lead. A mass commercial entertainer directed by Ramana Mogili, it has Pavani as the heroine. Music is by Vinod Yaj...Continue reading
Shakalaka Shankar as hero, a new film has been planned under Sri Bhavani Films banner. The film has been titled as ‘Khaidi’. G Varalakshmi is presenting this film. Hanuman Krishna is di...Continue reading
'Dharmasthali' is the title of an upcoming movie starring Shakalaka Shankar in the lead. A mass commercial entertainer directed by Ramana Mogili, it has Pavani as the heroine. As per the makers, i...Continue reading
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