For the past few weeks, Pawan Kalyan has been hogging all the news headlines on the web as well as TV channels. His speech in the recent ‘Attharintiki Daaredhi’ success meet has created sensation...Continue reading
Introducing Yuvaraj and Samatha as lead pair and Nagababu in prominent role, Bhavani Mastan is producing the film ‘Yamapuri-2’ under Durgam Creations banner. Mahanandam is the director. A press m...Continue reading
Adire Abhi, Heena Rai and Rechal feature in lead roles in VVSG's directorial 'Point Blank'. The film's success meet was held today. Several well-known names of the Telugu film industry graced the o...Continue reading
Chiru’s fans and his family members are overwhelmed with joy after he announced that he would do his 150th film yesterday in the premiere show of Amitabh Bachchan’s ‘Bbuddah Hoga Tera Baap’. In th...Continue reading
Varun Tej is back in India. He was in the USA and was getting trained in boxing. This is a prep work for his next film which will be based on boxing. The shooting of this film will start soon. Var...Continue reading
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