'Bomma Blockbuster', starring Nandu and Rashmi, awaits a theatrical release. Its teaser was released a few weeks ago. The news is that its third song, titled 'Nadikudi Railanti Sodhara', is out. Th...Continue reading
'The Fog' is an upcoming thriller starring Virat Chandra, Chandana Koppisetty, Harini, Ajay Ghosh, Nandu, Supriya, Praneetha and Pramod. Directed by Sudhan, the movie will release on February 5. T...Continue reading
Not only fans, so many young heros are trying to adopt the style and action of Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu... recently happening hero Nandu has joined in this list... with films like 100%Love, ...Continue reading
Another different concept film ‘Close Friends’ is being made on Maruthi Team Works Productions banner, which is achieving huge success with small budget different concept films, and on ...Continue reading
The makers of happening young hero Nandu starrer romantic comedy and family entertainer ‘Inthalo Enneni Vinthalo’ are planning to release the teaser in the first week of June. Being mad...Continue reading
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