Megastar Chiranjeevi attended the pre-release event of Mahesh Babu's 'Sarileru Neekevvaru' held at LB Stadium on Sunday. Speaking at the 'Mega Super Event' about Chiru, Mahesh Babu said, "I can'...Continue reading
The demise of K Viswanath has been seen as an irreparable loss for the Indian film industry. The who's who of the Indian film industry, not to forget leaders such as Prime Minister Narendra Modi, h...Continue reading
"Memories. Nostalgia. #Major ‘s FIRST LOVE. PURE LOVE (sic)," Adivi Sesh tweeted, releasing the song 'Oh Isha' from 'Major'. Sung by Armaan Malik and Chinmayi Sripada, the song has lyrics by ...Continue reading
'Major', which is directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka, is an action drama. The film is based on the 26/11 Mumbai Attacks and Major Sundeep Unnikrishnan's heroism. "A song I personally love," Superstar M...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu on Tuesday took to social media to extend birthday wishes to Puri Jagannadh. In his tweet, the superstar wished his 'Pokiri' and 'Businessman' director a year of incredible happiness. ...Continue reading
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