Director Ravi Babu and Allari Naresh have reunited for a new comedy entertainer titled ‘Laddu Babu’. This will mark the second time that Ravi Babu and Naresh have collaborated as hero and director...Continue reading
'Ikshu' stars Ram Agnivesh in the lead. Directed by Rushika, the film is produced by Dr. Aswini Naidu. The news is that its first look was today unveiled by Allari Naresh. Speaking on the occasion...Continue reading
Allari Naresh, one of the bankable actors in Tollywood, is celebrating his 39th birthday tomorrow (June 30). The young actor, who has been entertaining the audience for the past two decades, is all...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu starrer Maharshi is progressing briskly. The team is heading to the USA for a lengthy two month schedule. Here the film will be shot in various cities. Many important scenes of the film...Continue reading
The shooting of ‘Sudigadu’ has been completed and the film is set for June end release. The audio will also be released in early June. Srivasanth is scoring the songs for which Sirivennela Seetara...Continue reading
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