Upcoming actress Anjali, who bagged the golden opportunity in ‘Seetamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’ opposite Venkatesh, due to her amazingly true performance in ‘Shopping Mall’ and ‘Journey’, is most...Continue reading
Without their knowing, two heroines in recent days have contributed to the widening of a rift between the fans of Telugu and Tamil cinema. We are talking about Keerthy Suresh and Priyanka Mohan. T...Continue reading
Director Bobby Kolli recently suggested that one of his films could have been a massive hit had it received adequate funding. In an interview, he hinted that the film's producer was responsible for...Continue reading
Cine star and Jane Sena chief Pawan Kalyan has been spotted with an interesting book at various events during his Praja Porata Yatra. Youth from the Uddanam area of Srikalulam district has planned...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan was the hero who used to be very choosy in films and would always prefer to do one film after the other. But of late, the actor has chosen a different route and is on a signing spree....Continue reading
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