'Dhoom Dhaam', which was released in theaters last November, has been appreciated for its laughter quotient. Besides fun, the father-son sentiment and Gopi Sundar's music have also been lauded. Directed by Sai Kishore Macha, the family entertainer stars Chetan Krishna and Hebah Patel as the lead.
The news is that the comedy movie is currently available on Amazon Prime.
Vennela Kishore, Sai Kumar, Prithviraj, Goparaju Ramana, Sivannarayana, Banerjee, Sai Srinivas, Praveen, Naveen Neni, Giridhar, and Bhadram, among others, have also acted in the movie. Gopi Sundar is the music director. The song Malle Poola Taxi, rendered by Mangli, has garnered more than seven million views.