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Bollywood hero transferred his assets to his mother before wedding?


There is a rumour that a Bollywood star hero, one of whose films is one of the biggest ever hits in the history of Indian cinema, transferred his assets to his mother before he got married a few years ago. His wife is also a celebrity.

Why did he have to do it? The word in the gossip circles is that, like many actors, he fears that his marriage might end up in divorce. In the event of a divorce happening, he will have to shell out crores and crores of rupees in alimony to his estranged wife.

To avoid the 'disaster', the actor in question made the smart move of transferring about 90% of his property in his mother's name. It is rumoured that many high net-worth individuasl in India regularly do such a thing.

Marriages are supposed to be built on trustworthiness. Parking assets somewhere to protect it from a spouse is not the right way to make a start.