The trailer for 'Bhagavanth Kesari' was released on Sunday ahead of the film's grand theatrical release on October 19. Nelakonda Bhagavanth Kesari, played by Nandamuri Balakrishna, is introduced as...Continue reading
'Bhagavanth Kesari' and 'Leo' were released in theaters on October 19. On the following day, 'Tiger Nageswara Rao' was released. Barring the original makers of 'Leo', who didn't directly speak to t...Continue reading
The teaser for 'Bhagavanth Kesari' ends with Nandamuri Balakrishna playing an instrument and making his fellow travellers hum along. This scene is tonally contrasting with the rest of the teaser, w...Continue reading
Director Anil Ravipudi is set to unveil the title of Nandamuri Balakrishna's 108th movie on June 8. As has been reported already, 'Bhagavanth Kesari' is the film's title. The news is that producer...Continue reading
This Ganesh Chaturthi, several film posters were released by different banners. In this section, we bring you some of the most important ones. The makers of 'Bhagavanth Kesari' put out a poster in...Continue reading
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