'Writer Padmabhushan' was released in theatres last Friday. Directed by newcomer Shanmukha Prasanth, the film stars Suhas in the role of a novelist. The news is that Mahesh Babu has endorsed the f...Continue reading
Suhas is awaiting the theatrical release of 'Writer Padmabhushan', which is going to be released in theatres on February 3. The news is that Chait Bisket Films and Lahari Films have set out on prom...Continue reading
'Writer Padmabhushan', starring Suhas in the role of a wannabe novelist, is directed by newcomer Shanmukha Prashanth. On Tuesday, Lahari Films and Chai Bisket Films announced that their film has op...Continue reading
Suhas is awaiting the theatrical release of 'Writer Padmabhushan', which is going to be released in theatres on February 3. The news is that Chait Bisket Films and Lahari Films have held early prem...Continue reading
'Writer Padmabhushan', starring Suhas in the lead and directed by Shanmukha Prasanth, is produced by Anurag Reddy, Sharath Chandra, and Chandru Manoharan. The news is that the film has locked its r...Continue reading
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