Kajal Aggarwal and her husband, Gautam Kitchlu, were on Tuesday touched by Chiranjeevi's hospitality on the sets of 'Acharya'. The film has been shot at Kokapet on a set. It's the first day of shoo...Continue reading
Megastar Chiranjeevi's assumptions have fallen flat with the failure of 'Acharya'. Now, how do we know what are his assumptions? We can make some reasonable assumptions about his assumptions by an...Continue reading
Even Megastar Chiranjeevi doesn't hate number games, it would seem. Secretly or otherwise, he is proud when his films cross milestone collection figures. In a recent interview, the legendary actor...Continue reading
Actor and philanthropist Sonu Sood was once a notorious villain on screen and he is known for his antagonist roles. But now, the times have changed and filmmakers are not ready to show Sonu Sood as...Continue reading
Koratala Siva turned a year older on Wednesday. He received birthday wishes from many, but one person had better not wished him. We are talking about Ram Charan wishing his 'Acharya' director a hap...Continue reading
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