There have been rumours that King Khan of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan will be playing a prime role in S S Rajamouli's film Baahubali 2. Team Baahubali have given clarity on these rumours. They wrote ...Continue reading
S S Rajamouli's movie Baahubali 2 has been censored. The film has been given a UA certification b the Censor Board. The film is gearing up for a grand release on the 28th of April. Rajamouli is ha...Continue reading
Baahubali 2 has mostly been shot in Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad. Some portions of the film has been shot in Kerala and Karnataka. Rajamouli is now shooting some important parts of this film in a ...Continue reading
Great India Films thanks all audience in making Baahubali 2 a biggest blockbuster in North America. In return, as a token of appreciation we are screening 100 days shows of Baahubali 2 Telugu in ab...Continue reading
S S Rajamouli is undoubtedly a sculptor when it comes to films. He proves it once again with Baahubali 2. The film released today and audiences are raving about. The film is exceptionally superb. ...Continue reading
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