Coundown has begun. Vijay Antony’s “Bethaludu” will be hitting the screens on 1st December in maximum number of screens worldwide. Producer S Venugopal of 'Win Win Win Creations' along with Ma...Continue reading
Telugu audience waited for a right continuation of Bichagadu success for Vijay Antony and he gave us Bhetaludu. Both common audience and industry people are curious about this horror thriller. Cash...Continue reading
Vijay Antony entered into Telugu film market like a powerful tsunami and creating wonders. Telugu audiences have become familiar with his name. Dr Salim, Bichagadu gave Vijay Antony a new style and...Continue reading
After scoring remarkable success with ‘Bichagadu’, Vijay Anthony is coming up with his latest venture ‘Betaludu’. It is the dubbed version of Tamil film ‘Saithan’. As ‘Bichagadu’ success streak is ...Continue reading
Vijay Antony’s recent film "Bichchagadu" was a huge blockbuster in Telugu states. His upcoming movie in Tamil is "Saithan” and it has been dubbed into Telugu as “Bethaludu”. Producer S Venugopal o...Continue reading
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