Sangeeta starrer ‘Dhanam’ is all set to hit theaters shortly. This is a heroine centric film which is being directed by G Siva and produced by Addala Vankatrao and A Selvam. The story revolve...Continue reading
Sangeetha in title role, the film ‘Dhanam’ is going to release in May. Siva directed this film in Tamil and Telugu simultaneously and the Telugu version is jointly produced by Addala Venkatrao and...Continue reading
Actress Sangeeta’s female centric film ‘Dhanam’ is being directed by G Siva and jointly produced by Addala Venkatrao and A Selvam under Lakshmi Vasanti Productions banner. The audio of this film i...Continue reading
Actress Sangeeta is now coming up with a heroine centric film titled ‘Dhanam’. The film is about a woman named Dhanam and the story is on the backdrop of old city of Hyderabad. G Siva is directin...Continue reading
‘Dhanam’ starring Sangeetha in title role is going to be directed by G Shiva and produced by Addala Vankatrao and A Selvam under Lakshmi Vasanthi Productions banner. Ilayaraja is composing the tun...Continue reading
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