Sardaar Gabbar Singh which is presently under production is being produced at the highest budgets and features a large line up of accomplished artists. Apart from Pawan Kalyan who plays the lead...Continue reading
Carmike Cinemas one of the leading exhibitor for Indian Movies in USA is bringing the ultimate movie going experience to its viewers for SARDAR GABBAR SINGH in association with IDREAM Media and ERO...Continue reading
This Sankranthi the SGS team greets the audience with three awesome posters of Pawan Kalyan in action. The visuals of the film clearly indicate that SGS is an out and out entertainer with Pawan Kal...Continue reading
Mangal Govindram Hair Saloon in Rattanpur town is the resting stop for Pawan Kalyan where he unwinds himself between the shots. The place is also the meeting point for Pawan and the unit of Sardaar...Continue reading
Far from the hustle and bustle of city life, the story of Sardaar Gabbar Singh is set against a rural backdrop in a fictitious place calledRattanpur. Once subsidiary of princely state, Rattanpur is...Continue reading
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