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Livlife Hospitals Anti Obesity Drive, Hyderabad

Corporate India Health challenge – Battle of the Bulge

More Than 100 Forward-Thinking employees participated in the Corporate Health Challenge supported by LivLife Hospitals as a part of the Anti Obesity Drive.

Hyderabad, January 19th, 2013: - A challenge of a different kind. Over a 100 individuals from leading corporate houses participated in 1st Say Yes to Health Challenge, in a bid to lose weight and embark on the path of good health. Organised by XL Marketing and Consulting, the event was sponsored by LivLife Hospitals, Hyderaba d’s leading hospital dedicated to weight and metabolic related issues. Team TCS were announced Winners of the challenge with Dr. Reddy’s team as runners up and Hari Krishna receiving the ‘Most improved individual’ award .

During the Health Challenge, 10 team of 10 individuals each were selected from leading corporate in the city basis their BMI. As a part of the program, the teams were provided with one on one personal training by Active Life, and nutritional guidance by LivLife Hospitals, which helped them incorporate healthy lifestyles into their day to day activity. Their weight before and after the program were taken along with parameters like Hip to waist ratio, neck circumference, Blood pressure readings etc. The Corporates participating in the program from a cross of industries included Tata Consultancy Services, Dr.Reddy’s Labs, Cognizant, Uninor, LivLife Hospitals, Westin Hotels and Beautiful People.

Employed individuals form majority of the city’s population. “Stretched between work and home, this segment has limited time and resources to manage their health and hence are prone to excess weight issues. SAY YES TO HEALTH aims at creating awareness and promoting good health practices within this group by helping them incorporate health as a part of their daily activity to manage their weight. The program’s tenets are education, support and group dynamics to follow a healthy lifestyle at workplace.” said Ms. Ratna Kaza, Managing Director of XL Marketing and Consulting. .

Recent study conducted measure the increasing prevalence of obesity shows that healthcare expenditure has increased substantially during the last decade with people in the productive age group of thirties and forties increasingly falling prey to serious health complications. The study also reveals that in Hyderabad, an alarming 30 % of the city's population is overweight and obese and among them 79 %suffer from at least one co-existing health condition which could be hypertension, heart disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, heartburn and liver disease.

Speaking about the program, Dr. Nandakishore, Managing Director and Chief Bariatric Surgeon, LivLife Hospitals (Platinum Sponsors of the program) said, “Obesity is a disease that has a major impact on the individuals and a greater impact on the society.

We are delighted to be supporting the Say Yes to Health as it reflects our commitment to tackle issues related to excess weight. We believe that this Initiative is a small step in bringing about awareness about the disease especially amongst the corporate sector and urging people to take preventive steps before it increases to an epidemic. We hope to see more corporates being a part of the program in the coming months.”

The employees were put on a training program that was incorporated into their existing schedule. The emphasis was to focus a few minutes each day on health and practice simple mantras of healthy living- portion control & moderation and exercise and fitness. Mr.Nadeem, CEO, Active Life (Wellness partner) said , “for Say Yes 2 Health program, We have tried to incorporate rhythm in the day to day activities. Also the concept of team practice motivates individuals to perform better and also encourages them to sustain it for longer period.”

Also present on the occasion was Tollywood’s leading Director, Mr. Shiva Kumar. Speaking about his personal experience, he said, “In our hectic schedules, we don’t realize the changing dynamics of our body. The stress and pressure takes a huge toll on our health. While all of us are so involved in pursuing out careers, it is extremely important to take a moment and also plan how we want to pursue our health and how to commit to our health. I am extremely delighted that the program Say Yes 2 Health helps put things in perspective and supports our pursuit to good health”

Sai, participant said “I am glad I took part in the program. I have always neglected due to work and home pressures. With this program I actually forced myself to adopt healthier eating habits. In the last one month, I have lost close to 4 kgs. Feel a lot lighter and active. I am happy I said yes to health.”

The program was supported by LivLife Hospitals (Platinum Sponsors), Active Life (Wellness Partner), The Westin Mindspace, Hyderabad (Hospitality Partner), Beautiful People (Creative Support), Covidien, Johnson & Johnson, Manasarovar- The Fern and Heritage Foods.
Livlife Hospitals Anti Obesity Drive Livlife Hospitals Anti Obesity Drive Livlife Hospitals Anti Obesity Drive Livlife Hospitals Anti Obesity Drive Livlife Hospitals Anti Obesity Drive
Livlife Hospitals Anti Obesity Drive Livlife Hospitals Anti Obesity Drive Livlife Hospitals Anti Obesity Drive