The 2014 horror-comedy movie 'Geethanjali' starred Anjali in the lead. Its sequel, titled 'Geethanjali Malli Vachindhi', has completed 80% of its shoot. Directed by Siva Thurlapati and presented by...Continue reading
The lyrical video of the peppy 'Ra Ra Reddy, I Am Ready' is out. The 'Macherla Niyojakavargam' song, shot on a lively Nithiin and an indulgent Anjali, is typically made to appeal to the mass audien...Continue reading
Starring Anjali, Andrea Jeremiahand Vasanth Ravi in the lead roles, ‘Taramani’ has been directed by Ram. D Venkatesh is bring this film to Telugu audience under DV Cine Creations banner...Continue reading
'Gangs Of Godavari', starring Vishwak Sen in the lead, has a new release date. Hours after the election schedule was made official on Saturday by authorities, Sithara Entertainments put out the rel...Continue reading
Anjali’s film Chitrangada has got its release date. The makers have finalized March 10 as the release date for this film. The film has been postponed several times. Previously it was announce...Continue reading
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