'Thank You Brother' is an upcoming comedy revolving around a set of fictional events in the era of coronavirus. Its Title Poster was on Friday unveiled by 'Baahubali' and 'Viraata Parvam' actor Ran...Continue reading
'Chaavu Kaburu Challaga', produced by GA2 Pictures, is set to release in theatres on March 19. A song titled 'Paina Pataaram' from the movie is out. Rendered by Mangli, the Jakes Bejoy composition ...Continue reading
'Darja', starring Sunil and Anasuya in lead roles, is directed by Saleem Malik. Produced by PSS Entertainments' Siva Sankar Paidipati, the fiction-cum-action entertainer is presented by Sri Kaminen...Continue reading
We saw Anasuya's acting prowess in the film Rangasthalam. She played the role of Rangammattha in the film and stunned many with her performance. Now Anasuya will be seen in Yatra, a biopic on Andhr...Continue reading
There have been rumours that Anasuya will be playing the role of Samantha's mother in 'Rangasthalam'. This is not true says Jabardast anchor 'Anasuya'. She plays a role called 'Rangammaattha'. A s...Continue reading
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