Ileana is back in Tollywood with the film Amar Akbar Antony. The actress who was once popular in Tollywood moved to Bollywood and settled down there. She was recently brought in for Ravi Teja's fil...Continue reading
Ravi Teja and Ileana starrer Amar Akbar Anthony was being shot in the US. The film has wrapped its US schedule. The film has a backdrop of the US. So the shooting was done in two schedules here. Bo...Continue reading
It has been a while that we saw Ileana in Telugu cinemas. She started her innings in 2006 and did many films here. Even when she was in the top league the actress never dubbed for her films. Ileana...Continue reading
Movie remakes are nothing new, be it in Hollywood, Bollywood, Kollywood or Tollywood. But in the recent times we have been seing more remake films in Bollywood. Interestingly many of them have be...Continue reading
Ileana, who is now shuttling between south and west is a much sought after face. But things don’t come that easy. The sought after actress who was on a signing spree also signed the extremity cal...Continue reading
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