Ram Pothineni made his acting debut with 'Devadasu', which was released in theatres for Sankranthi 2006. The movie, co-starring Ileana D'Souza, was produced at a budget of about Rs 10 Cr. It was d...Continue reading
Though Ileana has no films in hand, she keeps posting hot pictures of her. Ileana has also posted some nude pictures of her, which were taken by her boyfriend. Ileana still has the charm and can se...Continue reading
They have been dating for quite a while and have the actress has never hid this fact. Ileana D'Cruz and Andrew Kneebone have been in love for quite sometime. A news has surfaced that the lovebirds ...Continue reading
Back then everything centered on her waist says Ileana D'Cruz. She had that great waist and every director was cashing on that. Initially she never understood why, today is no different. The only a...Continue reading
Allu Arjun-Trivikram Rao’s ‘Julayi’ has successfully completed 50 days of screening today and is heading towards reaching 100th day. ‘Julayi’ was released on August 9th and the makers and distribu...Continue reading
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