Final schedule of Allu Sirish and Lavanya Tripati’s family entertainer ‘Srirasthu Subhamastu’ will take place at most beautiful visuals like Kashmir and with this the entire shoot of the film will ...Continue reading
Tamil science fiction thriller ‘Mayavan’ that features Sundeep Kishan and Lavanya Tripathi in lead roles, is being brought to the Telugu audience by SK Basheed on SBK Films Corporation ...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej and Lavanya Tripathi starrer ‘Intelligent’ is all set for release on February 9. VV Vinayak is directing the flick. Slender beauty Lavanya Tripathi is playing the lead ro...Continue reading
In a recent pre release event of Srirastu Shubhamasthu, Chiranjeevi garu who was the chief guest and had already seen the film said that it would be huge hit with the families. As he had predicted,...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripati is back in league with the hit film Arjun Suravaram. The film gave a direction to Lavanya's career which was going nowhere. Meanwhile there is a buzz that Lavanya has been signed f...Continue reading
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