Varun Tej’s space adventurous thriller is titled ‘Antariksham 9000 KMPH’. The first look poster is also unveiled and Varun Tej is seen in the role of an astronaut. The poster also...Continue reading
'Puli-Meka' started streaming on ZEE5 on February 23. The eight-episode series stars Lavanya Tripathi, Aadi Saikumar, Goparaju Ramana, Siri Hanmanth, Raja Chembolu and Noel Sean. A key feature of ...Continue reading
Actress Lavanya Tripathi is headlining an action-comedy that is in the surreal zone. The untitled film also features Naresh Agastya of 'Mathu Vadalara' fame, besides ace comedy actor Vennela Kishor...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan and Lavanya Tripathi as the main lead, the movie 'A1 Express' is prepping up for its huge release soon. Being it the first hockey-based movie in Telugu, A1 Express is touted to be a ...Continue reading
Mega Prince Varun Tej, Lavanya Tripathi and Hebah Patel starrer hilarious family entertainer ‘Mister’ raked good numbers on day one in Telugu states, despite divide talk. The film direc...Continue reading
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