Venkatesh’s ongoing untitled flick, a remake of Malayalam super hit film ‘Body Guard’ is currently being shot in Hyderabad. Trisha is playing the leading lady opposite Venkatesh and the film is ta...Continue reading
Expression queen Trisha has denied her marriage rumors and has said that as and when her marriage takes place, she would announce it to everyone within and outside the film industry. In Trisha...Continue reading
Rumour mill churned a news recently that Keerthy Suresh is havaing some professional rivalry with Trisha. It was Keerthy who was responsible for Trisha being ousted from Saamy 2. But Keerthy refute...Continue reading
So finally NTR gets two heroines for his ongoing flick ‘Dammu’ after Shruti Haasan abruptly left the film citing dates problem, now Trisha is taking her place although we heard Kajal’s some time ag...Continue reading
All formalities related to ‘Nayaki’ that features Trisha in the title role, has been completed and the film is all set to hit screens on July 15. This horror comedy entertainer is being made simult...Continue reading
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