Her last film 'Inttelligent' was a huge flop. The actress has barely any films in hand. She is rethinking her career. Lavanya is thinking where she has gone wrong in the selection of films. Has her...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripathi Exclusive Photos The hunt for the heroines of Dil Raju’s next, ‘Kerintha’, has ended. The latest we hear is that ‘Andaala Rakshasi’ fame Lavanya Tripathi has been roped in a...Continue reading
In a recent pre release event of Srirastu Shubhamasthu, Chiranjeevi garu who was the chief guest and had already seen the film said that it would be huge hit with the families. As he had predicted,...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripati's stars are shinning bright. She is has been signing films and is happy about it. Thanks to Bhale Bhale Magadivoy and Soggade Chinni Nayana, Lavanya's career is doing well. She has ...Continue reading
A song titled Kadhile Kaalannadiga from 'Chaavu Kaburu Challaga' was released today. Sung by Gowtham Bharadwaj and Shashaa Tirupati, this one has lyrics by Koushik Pegallapati, Sanare. Director Ka...Continue reading
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