It is a known fact that Nandamuri Balakrishna is currently working for his upcoming movie under Boyapati Srinu's direction. The movie titled 'Akhanda' has caught up with decent buzz after the relea...Continue reading
Most talked film ‘Jayammu Nischayammura’ that starred Srinivasa Reddy and Poorna was released yesterday, November 25 and is running successfully with a hit talk in all areas. Despite ru...Continue reading
Srinivasa Reddy and Poorna starrer ‘Jayammu Nischayammura’ has completed censor formality and received ‘U/A’ certificate. Censor board members appreciated the film saying th...Continue reading
A full-fledged delightful comedy and love entertainer ‘Jayammu Nischayammura’ is being made under a new production house Siva Raj Films banner. Sensational director Ram Gopal Varma’s disciple Siva ...Continue reading
Ravi Babu’s horror film ‘Avunu’ starring Poorna and Harshvardhan Rane in the lead was recently released. Ravi Babu also received critical acclaims for his unique style of film-making. Poorna and ...Continue reading
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