With Bharath, Sanchitha Shetty, Chandini, Tamilarsan, Katheer, Radha Ravi, Yog GP, and others in significant roles, the movie Aata Naade Veta Naade is prepping up for its release on 2nd October. Ve...Continue reading
‘Kalicharan’ starring Chaitanya Krishna and Chandini as lead pair is being directed by produced by Sri Praveen under Sri Karunalayam Productions banner with Baby Manaswini as its presenter. Post...Continue reading
Hit Talk Pictures banner’s Production No.1 ‘Kiraak’ is being made with D Uma Devi as presenter. D Gopala Krishna and Gangapatnam Sridhar are producing this romantic comedy thriller. Harik Devab...Continue reading
'Peanut Diamond', starring Abhinav Sardar and Ram as the heroes, features Chandini Tamilarasan and Sherry Agarwal as the heroines. Its teaser was today released by ace producer Dil Raju. Speaking ...Continue reading
Chandini is celebrating her birthday today. The actress, who impresses everyone with her acting skills with ‘Kalicharan’ and ‘Lovers’, is playing the female lead for a film titled ‘Chitram Bhalare ...Continue reading
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