'Mithai', a dark and surreal comedy, is directed by debutant Prashant Kumar. The film stars Kamal Kamaraju, Ravi Varma, Rahul Ramakrishna, Priyadarshi, and others. The unit has successfully wrappe...Continue reading
'Kondaveedu' stars 'Bigg Boss' fame Swetha Varma, Prathap Reddy, Sri Krishna, Nalini Kanth and Naveen Raj in lead roles. Directed by Siddhartha Sri, the film is produced by Prathap Reddy. Ahead of...Continue reading
Movies featuring flying lizards, amazing monkeys and ten feet spider that makes you feel exhilarated are definitely Hollywood films. But now, we are going to see such creatures in a Telugu film. W...Continue reading
'Rani' movie, starring Swetha Varma, Praveen Yandamuri, Kishore Marishetty among others, was released on 6th February across all digital platforms. 'Color Photo' producer Sai Rajesh, 'Nuvvu Thopu R...Continue reading
Vasudeva Rao and Swetha Varma as the lead pair, ‘Vasam’ has been made under the direction of Challa Srikanth. Some guys, who have great passion on films, have collected money and produc...Continue reading
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