Actress Lavanya Tripathi, who made a mesmerising debut with 'Andhala Rakshasi', has become a much sought after actress with blockbusters like 'Bhale Bhale Magadivoy' and 'Soggade Chinninayana'. She...Continue reading
Nani's upcoming entertainer, Bhale Bhale Magadivoi directed by Maruti, has been on everyone's minds lately. And for all the right reasons. It's being touted as a complete family entertainer, ably c...Continue reading
'Korameenu' stars Anand Ravi as an underdog who represents the good. Harish Uthaman plays a gutsy police officer, while Shatru is Meesala Raju, who probably represents evil. Helmed by Sripathy Karr...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripathi's latest comedy entertainer Happy Birthday, is all set for a release on July 8, it's USA Premieres on July 7th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas release by R...Continue reading
Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej and svelte beauty Lavanya Tipathi starrer ‘Inttelligent’ has completed the censor formality and received ‘U/A’ certificate from the censor board ...Continue reading
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