'Power Play', starring Raj Tarun, celebrated its pre-release event ahead of its theatrical release on March 5. Here are the highlights from the event. Creative Commercials' KS Rama Rao, speaking o...Continue reading
Poorna of 'Avunu' fame has agreed to do a new film in Telugu. Titled 'Back Door', the film is written and directed by Karri Balaji, who is a Nandi Award-winning filmmaker. Coming with a "novel stor...Continue reading
Most talked film ‘Jayammu Nischayammura’ that starred Srinivasa Reddy and Poorna was released yesterday, November 25 and is running successfully with a hit talk in all areas. Despite ru...Continue reading
Actress Poorna is currently acting in writer-director Karri Balaji's 'Back Door'. The Nandi Award-winning filmmaker has expressed his happiness over the promising film completing its first schedule...Continue reading
Poorna (alternatively spelled as Purnaa) has got engaged. Born as Shamna Kasim, the beauty of 'Avunu' and the recent 'Akhanda', will get married to a businessman named Shanid Asifali. He is the CEO...Continue reading
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